
Interview With Jay

A few weeks back I was lucky enough to have the chance to interview Jay from SwaggerJunky
Hopefully in the next month or so I will be able to get some more interviews with from the world of fashion and music. 

Jay tell me a bit about your self?

Well, im 16 from the United States, New Jersey to be exact.

When did you first get interested in to fashion and was there any reasons?
I started really getting into fashion actually this year. My uncles really influenced me to really “do” fashion. I had to find my style, learn brands, and learn the industry pretty much by myself. I did have help from my uncles, but fashion is something I think you have to learn by yourself. I don’t think anyone can help you “learn” fashion.

Can you tell us about "SwaggerJunky" your online magazine?

Like you said, Swagger Junky is an online lifestyle magazine. It conveys basically everything from fashion, music, interviews, and gadgets. I love doing it!

What made you want to make "SwaggerJunky"?
Well to be honest, Swagger Junky started off as a challenge. My uncle challenged me to make a site with two hundred dollars. With that money I transformed SWJ from a blogspot into a full blown website. After we started getting some buzz I knew that I had to stick with fashion industry. Its just FUN!

Is there anyone you look up to inspiration?

I mean there are a lot of people that inspire. To be honest random things and people inspire me. But if I had to choose a certain designer/designers I would say, Ugo Mozie, Bernhard Willhelm, and Tatsuro Horikawa. CHECK THOSE GUYS OUT!

If you had to describe your own style what would you say?

My style ranges from what mood im in. One day ill wear Gucci, prada louis, the next day ill just rock harems or sweat pants. I don’t know. I don’t really say I have a style because I always love to try new ideas.

What music our you in to and is there any specific artists ?

I love all music. I love rock, I love screamo, I love rap, I love hip hop, etc, etc. Music is something anyone can relate to. So I listen to it ALL! I am one sided minded, I love trying new things and hearing new things. That’s not saying that all music is good, but I think music truly is something that sooths the soul. As far as specific artist, I do not have any at the moment. I listen to everyone right now.

In the future do you want to be in the fashion industry?

Yes of course. I think fashion has stolen my heart. lol

Lastly is there anything else you would like to say?

Stay true to your dream’s, never let anyone say you can not do something. Be faithful and have hope.
Jays Twitter
Jays Online Magazine


Anonymous said...

Good interview ,.

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Anonymous said...

I love the quote, "I think fashion stole my heart."